i like words and sour candies. adding too many letters at the end of words is funnnn. i like my desktop to be clean and my dock to be uncluttered. autumn and rain are my inspirations in life – there is almost nothing i thrive on more. mr. rogers, lambchop and my mum are my heroes. i collect books and love white christmas lights. i wish i lived with charlie and lola because they are my favourite and my best. if i could write like emily dickinson my life would be complete. oh, and hello, i love you.
Twitter is quite lovley for this sort of thing. I wish I could have been online to join in on this german conversation :(
Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay
Ich liebe Deutsch! It's so nice to see people speaking it for fun!!=]
zoops-signed as anonymous by mistake=o
Guten tag, Mallory! Ich habe ein Kanichen und ich wohne in ein Winklemesser! Du bist eine kaiser kopf!
Oh my I just giggled copious amounts.<3
Wuff u.
ich bin eine azulanten? wait no, screw german. l'amo mallory :] x
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