07 October, 2008

"Photography is truth."–Jean-Luc Godard

One of the many challenges of being a photographer, besides the obvious one of location and lighting, is finding the person on the other side of the lens.

It is one of my favourite things about photography. Whether it be a person, a place or an item, I love to try and figure out its story from the other side of my lens. That is what I feel is true photography. The discovery of life, people and stories.

It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness. –Paul Strand

Call me crazy. Oh, wait, I am. All that aside, however, I figured out how Zack gets all his photos to be so lovely through Flickr. It's fantastic. I'm very happy, at the moment.

I'm working a lot, in school a lot and happy a lot.

Side notes:
1) "Very" is not a word.
2) Student journalists: the first time you use an acronym in a story (no matter how "familiar" it seems) you ALWAYS SPELL IT OUT. kthxbai.
3) I know this is the Pacific Northwest. It rains here. Can you just learn to see the beauty in the rain as well as in the sun?

Ah, Autumn is so lovely. I am consistently being romanced by the leaves' perfume, wind's caress and rain's symphony.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I left a Eggo in the toaster and now it's sure to be chilly. I also have a speech tomorrow morning. Hm, we'll see how this goes.

xxx mal


Andrew Richards said...

Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut more or less started the French New Wave movement in cinema.


Mallory Shoemaker said...

yes, this I know.

I also knew you'd know.

Ashley said...

aha nice photo :P

Mallory Shoemaker said...

oh, thanks! that's my crazy little sister. x]

Justin said...

Its quite clear from that awesome picture that becca is going to become the most evil person this planet has ever met :P

Justin said...

Its quite clear from that awesome picture that becca is going to become the most evil person this planet has ever met :P

Erin!Mal said...

You have my name!!! Mallorys are the coolest!

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course there is beauty in rain.
Rain is clean and smells nice and hmm how to describe it...
LOL by googling "rain" and "poem" and I found this

First winter rain by Matsuo Basho
First winter rain--
even the monkey
seems to want a raincoat.

ShutUpChago said...

I love the rain so much. =]

And I love your view on photographic art. x]

Anna Feyt said...

i'm so amazed by photography. it's always something i've wished i was good at...

that paul strand quote is perfect.