02 April, 2009


if the iphone came in red, (and not exclusively on at&t), i would so get one.

idiocy of the day aside; i'm feeling rather exhausted. it's been a productive day, though! i love mornings where i wake up on time, early (even though i woke up two hours later than i should have, this morning), and i start accomplishing tasks and checking things off my to-do list before i'm even out of my pajamas. it's awesome!

i've always had a romantic dream of moving to new york, living in an apartment with my hugeee dog and however many cats, and being a photographer/editor that does posh things. i would wake up every morning at 7 a.m. like clockwork and i would have a routine. (routines are posh.) i would get the paper, a cup of tea, maybe a slice of toast and i would pop open harriet at the table. i would then proceed to check my email, look at my perfectly balanced check register online (i would have balanced it the night before, like i always would, every night) and would not at all tweet about whatever. by half 7 my kitchen bit would be done, i would feed the cats and dog and would buzzle off to the bathroom/my posh bedroom to get ready for the day. i would, of course, dress poshly and have nice hair and be done within 15 minutes so as not to be late for work at half 8. (because all jobs should start at half 8 and never 8 on the dot.) i would then poshly exit my apartment, keys jingling into my purse after i lock the door behind me and adventure off into the ny metropolitan sidewalk journey of the morning. i would arrive at my desk at 'posh magazine' and tea in hand, sunshine beaming in the window, i would begin the day.

isn't that an incredible daydream?
yeah, i really don't want that.
my real life would be better like this:

living in a cute little old house fixed up, or a lofty flat with a ladder to an upper story, with splashes of colour and minimal clutter, minimal decorations, and a garbage disposal in the sink. i would still have a hugeee dog and however many cats, of course. i would have white puffy sheets and a mirror bedside table. i would love to have walls and walls full of books with a sliding ladder that slides along them. i would like to get up at 7/8 a.m. and have tea and french toast (almost every morning) and i would really like to enjoy doing my work on harriet but from home, snuggled up under the covers. i enjoy housework, so cleaning and organizing and doing the dishes are all things that would happen in my day. by 9 p.m. i would be done and would get ready for bed. even though i'm not a huge fan of baths i'm convinced it's only because i've never had the right tub. the right tub would be one with feet, all white, and pretty frilly decorations inlay into it. anyway, i would probably soak in the bath for about a half of an hour with a book/whatever hard hitting news story i was working on at the time and needed to edit, and then i would hop into bed with my kitties and/or puppy curled up at my feet. oh, and i wouldn't be cold.


i still have some of the paint samples i got when i was out on my escapade with kimmi to fred meyer the other day, i haven't the heart to take them out.

i'm waiting on my counselor from uni of pheonix to get back to me on whether she got my transcripts faxed or not, here's hoping they went through.

i'm annoyed because i want to be logged into blogger and also my 'malarayofsunshine' gmail account but blogger logs you in to whatever email you used to set up blogger automatically and for this blog it was not my 'malaray' email. i think that's rude.

i'm hoping for some sun, soon. if not i'm going to put my plan of going to disney in the summer into action. hurry up, sun! (but i'm still most likely going to go to disney.)

xxx mal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate that about blogger too! :(
I think I should just change my email of my blogger to my gmail.
anyway ily.