06 April, 2009

it's sunshiney wonderful, today

and that is the honest truth.

so, i've done some planning in my head as i drove, this morning.
as soon as school lets out i hope to take a train to california to get away for a week (or so.) if i don't bring this plan to fruition, i will instead take a road-trip to idaho to visit my friend melissa (if she'll have me.) the sunshine has inspired me, and since i've gotten my sunglasses out and have my "sommer lieben" playlist spinning in my car stereo, i feel the urge to get out and away for a holiday.

i had my second anthro exam this morning, and i feel i did well on it. then again, that's what i felt about our last exam. (so, we'll see.) my list of coursework is ever growing (copy-editing assignment due tomorrow, opinion piece due tomorrow, art gallery project due wednesday, and another art history exam is right around the corner.) i feel like i'm about to drown, but this week's load is nowhere near the amount of coursework i've had in a week in my past, i just am so completely checked out of school mentally that i want to shoot my assignments hard. >:( i did have the extreme pleasure of having my hatred of PLU validated and agreed with the other day when i visited a friend and fellow "lute." it was such a relief, i feel horrid (but not) to say.

the rest of the week, (and i dread to observe,) month, will be taken at a rather fast pace, it seems. the nice part about this week, though, is my early tue/thurs (time-waster) classes are going to be identical so i only have to go to one. i am ecstatic. since tomorrow morning is coffee/smoothies with jennifer and i have these random journ assignments due (and don't feel up to doing them now as i'm skipping out to go to linz's tonight, more later) i think i will skip tomorrow's.

re: ( . . . as i am skipping out to go to linz's tonight)
basically, that is all there is to it. i'm skipping out on doing my art/journ homework because i'm going to have a girl night with linz and melissa so we can eat nommy food, gorge ourselves on ice cream, and put together linz's save-the-dates. (: it's going to be spectacular.

a crazy girl in my class who thinks she's cool on her dell is looking at fmylife, i'm endlessly amused. it's weird to me to realize websites like fmylife, twitter and yt are websites that IRL people frequent as well as URL people. it also still gets to me that young children walk through my mall wearing 'fred' tshirts, leaving him playing up on ipod touches in the store, and the hot topic upstairs is where said children bought their tshirts to begin with.

considering i'm in art history right now, i figure i'd best go back to semi-paying attention, texting my boi, looking at train tickets, getting on skype/aim/msn, and daydreaming the class away. theatrical stage make-up presentation thing after with jayme; it's for soac week. if nothing else, i harbour excitement that PLU actually somewhat cares about their art programs and not all the focus is on sports, as it is basically everywhere else. woo-hoo, one good thing about this place of horridness.

thank you for all the prayers, i continue to hold all who responded to me with requests in my prayers as well. take heart, dear ones, the sun is coming out and God is on your side!

xxx m

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