We're (Kimmi, Vern, Becca and I) going in to the Apple store today after Vern's dentist appointment to get him a Mac. I'm mainly excited about this because, while I get to actually be a smart person and know things today, I am also getting myself a new mouse and FinalCut.
Oh my gosh, cloning here I come.
Before I go, here is a sneak peek at what's in store in this game video:

p.s. This photo constitutes what makes up a VERY small part of the video, so if you're reading this, Clint; your video will be awesome, I promise.
I've said this a million times, and I will say it a million more: Final Cut Pro is the greatest editing program ever in the history of the universe!
But Macs still suck :P
Lurrrrrve you :]
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