This weekend me and the fam went and saw "Get Smart." Twice. It was high-larious. Steve Carell is so amazing. I completely am in love with him.
I've been hopping up on not only "Gilmore Girls" this past week but also catching up on my episodes of "Doctor Who." (Bout time, don't you think?)
Kimmi and I have officially jumped onto the Trock bandwagon. The Noble Sisters. That's us! We'll have more content/songs up really soon. Add us? :] (Original video, by Alex: So exciting! More updates on that next time.
The podcast really will be up on SincerelySunshine.
So will a new video.
Some cool stuff in the works with Meghan, Zack and Rache. I'm SUPER stoked.
Best. :)
In my eyes she'll always be Hattimus Prime <3 xox
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